About Us

About The Irish Academy of Audiology (IAA)
The Irish Academy of Audiology was founded in 2011. The Irish Academy of Audiology promotes quality hearing and balance care by advancing the profession of audiology through education, leadership, public awareness, advocacy, and support of research. The IAA replaces the all the functions of the Irish Society of Audiology (ISA).

We have our AGM to which all of our members are invited.

The IAA has the following aims:
• To develop and promote excellence in services for patients
• To be a driving force for advancement of quality standards, training and education
• To promote the profile of audiology as an autonomous profession

The IAA works to:
• Pursue and promote the knowledge and practice of audiology
• Further the advancement of the member’s professional interests
• Further research in Audiology and the publication of the results of such research
• Further the science of Audiology and the diagnosis, alleviation and prevention of hearing and balance impairment
• Develop, support and promote high quality education and training for audiologists
• Promote IAA as the leading professional association for clinical audiologists
• Act as a negotiating body to promote the interests of the profession
• Promote and structure governance within the profession

Board Members

President: Shane McMahon

Vice President: Jennifer Sharkey
Secretary: Therina O’Mahony
Treasurer: Martin Cromb

Committee: Louise Keogh , David Clarke, Maeve McCarthy, Ellie Sweeney

Mission Statement

The Irish Academy of Audiology is the leading academic organisation for practicing hearing and balance professionals in Ireland.

It provides leadership, inspiration, and guidance to its members.

Develops and promotes excellence in services for patients.

Develop, promote and accredit high quality education and training for Audiologists.

Promotes and develops Audiology as an autonomous profession in Ireland.